2DA ranges in use

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This page is meant to enumerate row ID ranges that are used by the main game and by various popular addins, to avoid accidental overlap. See also Prefixes in use and Compatibility.

Note that there's no need for 2DA row IDs to be sequential, so you can use very large row ID numbers to reduce the chances of collision.

Version 1.0 of the toolset had a bug in ExcelProcessor that caused problems with high row ID numbers, but this has been fixed in subsequent releases. See the bug report.

As of now there is a bug that prevents IDs above 255 to be used for some M2DA's. See Bug report for a list of tables affected.

Another bug affects the rewards M2DA.


According to the ABI_base page under the tooltipstrref column, anything over 500000 is considered a debuff. This would limit the range a fair amount.

Range Used by
0 - 200262 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
50000 - 50001 Anakin's Advanced Tactics
51000 - 51002 Anakin's Advanced Quickbar
300000 - 300047 rebel5555's 2 Handed Weapon Abilities for Arcane Warriors, Dual Weapon Abilities for Arcane Warriors and Weapon and Shield Abilities for Arcane Warriors
401974 - 403000 Idomeneas' Valeria Addon(modal)
450000 - 450300 ladydesire's Tevinter Warden class
466000 - 466100 Apolyon6k's The magic of innocence
901974 - 903000 Idomeneas' Valeria Addon
1337000 - 1337012 amcnow's Respecification DAO
2560000 - 2560500 Timelord's Blood and Lyrium
5680000 - 5680250 Phaenan's The Winter Forge


Range Used by
0 - 9 Bioware - Main campaign
10 - 15 Anakin's Advanced Tactics


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - Main campaign
1000000 - 1001000 Crown of Creation


Range Used by
65000 - 65002 BioSpirit's Hilltop Under Siege


There are one or more known issues with this 2DA:

Range Used by
0 - 90 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
40000 - 40010 Alschemid - Horses and Sandbox
55000 - 57000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
64000 - 64999 Crown of Creation
65000 - 65001 BioSpirit's Hilltop Under Siege
65010 - 65025 Mutantspicy Oracle and Enchanted Armor [Dragonage Nexus]
1000001 - 1100000 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake


Range Used by
24000 - 26000 Community Contest


There are one or more known issues with this 2DA:

Range Used by
0 - 8 Bioware - Main campaign
50 - 50 Alschemid - Sandbox

BITM_base and ItemStats_

Range Used by
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
30000 - 30500 Ambaryerno - Arms and Armor
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
40000 - 40200 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake
50000 - 50100 Feline Fuelled Games - (by Silk) Feline Fuelled Games
57000 - 59000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
77000 - 79000 [Sanguine Sunrise by LukaCrosszeria Sanguine Sunrise


Range Used by
0 - 25 Bioware
10000 - 10012 Ladydesire
24000 - 26000 Community Contest


Range Used by
0 - 7 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
5680000 - 5680020 Phaenan's The Winter Forge


Range Used by
0 - 91 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
5680000 - 5682000 Phaenan's The Winter Forge


Those ranges relates to custom events types/ID and not to engineevents based (see events overriding).

Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
500 - 500 Anakin's Advanced Tactics
510 - 511 Anakin's Advanced Quickbar
5680000 - 5680050 Phaenan's The Winter Forge


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
600 - 600 Anakin's Advanced Tactics
601 - 601 Anakin's Advanced Quickbar
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
666000 - 666020 Apolyon6k's The magic of innocence
1337000 - 1337001 amcnow's Respecification DAO
1974100 - 1974200 Idomeneas' Valeria Addon
2560000 - 2560050 Timelord's Blood and Lyrium
5680000 - 5680010 Phaenan's The Winter Forge


There are one or more known issues with this 2DA:

Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
1000001 - 1001000 Crown of Creation (using 201 onwards temporarily)


Range Used by
0 - 10022 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
77000 - 79000 Sanguine Sunrise by LukaCrosszeria Sanguine Sunrise
1000001 - 2000000 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake
2555000 - 2555010 PavelNovotny - Gay Bars of Ferelden
2560000 - 2560050 Timelord's Blood and Lyrium
5680000 - 5680050 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
7570000 - 7770000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
536873321 - 536873322 Elys' Mysterious Gifts


Range Used by
0 - 30 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
1000001 - 2000000 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake
2555000 - 2555010 PavelNovotny - Gay Bars of Ferelden
5680000 - 5680500 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
7570000 - 7770000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
7771000 - 7771500 Dark Times: The Confederacy of Malkuth (reserved by Starlight on Questorion's behalf)
1405261000 - 1405261999 nezroy - Warden Shields, Leliana Item Set

ItemVariations (all)

There are one or more known issues with this 2DA:

See also:

Range Used by
0 - 30 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000 Bioware - reserved (guessed)
77 - 99 Sanguine Sunrise by LukaCrosszeria Sanguine Sunrise
140 - 160 Community Contest
12000 - 12100 Adonnay's Weaponry (reserved by mikemike37 on his behalf)
101000 - 400000 Dark Times: The Confederacy of Malkuth (reserved by Starlight on Questorion's behalf)


Range Used by
0 - 1016, 2000 - 2010, 10011 - 10142, ...? Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
5000 - 5014 Anakin's Advanced Tactics
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
77000 - 79000 Sanguine Sunrise by LukaCrosszeria
100000 - 100000 Anakin's Event Manager
690000 - 690100 Karma's Origins Companions
1000001 - 1100000 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake
1337000 - 1337002 amcnow's Respecification DAO
2300000 - 2300100 Crown of Creation (M2DA prefix: COC)
2560000 - 2560050 Timelord's Blood and Lyrium
5000000 - 5000010 Noob766's Companion Compatibility pack
5680000 - 5680050 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
5680050 - 5680055 Phaenan's Flexible craft UI
5681000 - 5681005 Phaenan's DACrafting framework
6000000 - 6000050 TreDawn - Nesiara Companion
6660000 - 6660050 Apolyon6k - The magic of innocence
7000000 - 7000050 FtG - UI Mod
7000051 - 7000055 FtG - Custom Loading Screen
7000056 - 7000071 FtG - Portrait dialogue and custom tokens (test release)
7000075 - 7000080 FtG - Quickbar
7570000 - 7770000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
7777770 - 7777799 Magic - Void Walker (M2DA prefix: VWK)
9000000 - 9000050 Ambaryerno - Arms and Armor
1140150041 - 1140150091 DLAN_Immortality - Ser Gilmore NPC
1553521700 - 1553521750 Alschemid - Sandbox


0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
536873321 - 536873323 Elys' Mysterious Gifts
1405261000 - 1405261999 nezroy - Warden Shields, Leliana Item Set


Range Used by
0 - 88 Bioware - Main campaign
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
5680000 - 5680300 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
536873321 - 536873340 Elys' Mysterious Gifts
1405261000 - 1405261999 nezroy - Warden Shields, Leliana Item Set


Range Used by
0 - 11 Bioware - Main campaign
???? Bioware - reserved
101-199 Crown of Creation
200 - 299 DA Workshop / Author: frosti Icewind Dale Remake
300 - 350 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
1974 - 1980 Idomeneas' Valeria Addon
5711 - 5720 Castle Drakhaoul by Marshal57'
6660 - 6665 Apolyon6k's The magic of innocence
77000 - 79000 Sanguine Sunrise by LukaCrosszeria
6900000 - 6900200 Karma's Origins Companions
1553521700 - 1553521710 Alschemid - Sandbox


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
77000 - 79000 Sanguine Sunrise by LukaCrosszeria
690000 - 690100 Karma's Origins Companions
1000001 - 1100000 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake
1337000 amcnow's Respecification DAO
2000000 - 2000050 Oracle, mutantspicy's magic vault, and other custom armors
5680000 - 5680020 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
6000000 - 6000050 TreDawn - Nesiara Companion
7570000 - 7770000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
9130000 - 9130100 BloodsongVengeance
10100000 Camp storage chest
10100011 - 10100013 Didymos' Camp Merchant Chest
10100014 - 10100016 Didymos' Item Sets Fix
10100100 - 10100110 Eshme's Sleeping Tent
42006090 - 42006100 Morrigan Restoration Patch
1000197400 - 1000197410 Idomeneas' Valeria Addon
1109197751 - 1109197799 Schwinni - Awakening Runes Fixes, Awakening Blackblade Armor Dragon Drop Fix
1140150041 - 1140150091 DLAN_Immortality - Ser Gilmore NPC
1405261000 - 1405261999 nezroy - Warden Shields, Leliana Item Set
1553521700 - 1553521710 Alschemid - Sandbox
1672464532 - 1672464542 DLAN_Immortality - Ser Gilmore NPC Awakening


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
1974 - 1978 Idomeneas' Valeria Addon (They are low so they'll show in game, recall the toolset bug)
14000 - 16000 Community Contest
17000 - 19000 Standalone modules (see discussion tab)
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
43050 - 43061 Eshme's Sleeping Tent (Greater 65535 is showing bugs so this is until it is fixed)
43062 - 43065 BioSpirit's Hilltop Under Siege
56000 - 56200 Mikes Invisible Boxes
1000001 - 1100000 DA Workshop / Author: frosti Icewind Dale Remake
2696549 - 2696700 PavelNovotny - Gay Bars of Ferelden (NOTE: I'm using the 6000-6200 range until Bioware fixes the bug which prevents m2da ID ranges above 900000 from showing up in game.)
7570000 - 7770000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone
2000 - 3000 Sisters in Arms (by Caldargo) Sisters In Arms


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
1000001 - 1001000 Crown of Creation


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
2400000 - 2400000 BlackPhi's Spiders and Knives
5680000 - 5680050 Phaenan's The Winter Forge

String ID

It is not generally necessary to register String ID ranges here. The values generated by the toolset are sufficiently random to minimise the risk of collision. Exception : the Community Contest reserved the range below so that the builders will stick to that and can import VO without having to renumber the VO files.

Range Used by
0 - 10000000 Bioware - reserved
89000000 - 89999999 Community Contest


Range Used by
500 - 520 PavelNovotny - Gay Bars of Ferelden
6900 - 6920 Karma's Origins Companions
1000001 - 1001000 Crown of Creation
1109197701 - 1109197750 Schwinni - Helmets without wings and retints
1553521700 - 1553521750 Alschemid - Sandbox


Range Used by
1405261000 - 1405261999 nezroy - Warden Shields, Leliana Item Set


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
1000001 - 1100000 DA Workshop / by frosti Icewind Dale Remake
5680000 - 5680005 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
7570000 - 7770000 World of Grone (by Shodushi) World of Grone


Range Used by
0 - 1000000 Bioware - reserved
24000 - 26000 Community Contest
37000 - 38000 Baldur's Gate Redux
5680000 - 5680010 Phaenan's The Winter Forge
5680011 - 5680019 BioSpirit's Hilltop Under Siege
96000 - 97000 Sisters in Arms (By Caldargo) Sisters In Arms


There are one or more known issues with this 2DA:

Range Used by
0 - 6 Bioware - reserved
151 - 151 Alschemid - Sandbox
210 - 220 Blood and Lyrium