Difference between revisions of "Chargen preload 2da"

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[[Category:2da files]]
[[Category:2da files]]
[[Category:2da files from backgrounds.xls]]
[[Category:2da files from background.xls]]

Latest revision as of 19:10, 6 December 2016

The background_names 2da defines the default creature template for each race and class combination.

The background_names 2da file is not listed in the M2DA_base 2da and has not been assigned a TABLE_* constant.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Template string Creature resource (i.e. including extension)


The ID for each row is calculated using this formula (defined in the Chargen_GetEquipIndex function):

nRace * 1000 + nClass * 100 + nBackground

Where nRace, nClass and nBackground are the value of the corresponding ID from the race, class and background 2da files.