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(Pasted in the info from Dylbot's forum post)
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Revision as of 18:29, 12 January 2010

This tutorial describes how to create a custom Item by recoloring an existing item. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the Toolset. These instructions are taken from a forum post by Dylbot.

The power of custom tinting. A process that goes a little something like this...

First of all, obviously, this can't be done if you don't have the toolset. So no custom colours for the 360 or the PS3, I'm afraid. If you don't have the toolset already (and you really should), go and get it. Go on. I'll wait. Got it? Right. Get that bad boy opened. Now, I'm going to assume that you already know how to make a new piece of equipment. If you don't, head on over to http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/8/index/114122 and get reading. Make yourself a nice piece of armour. For the purposes of the tutorial, we're going to go for heavy chainmail.

[http://lh4.ggpht.com/_7Tm7vdGkyXI/SwbEluuXWiI/AAAAAAAAAFU/o6lG_v53bw4/s800/Fullscreen%20capture%2020112009%20141034.bmp.jpg ]

So! You've got your module loaded, your armour created and stats/material customised to your liking. Time to get that colour sorted out. First of all, create a new material.


Then add a new tint library to Root.


Add a new tint object to that library.


Then enable the red, green and blue channels.


Now, you'll need to know what you're changing when you colour the channels. If you don't have a DDS viewing program, now might be a good time to grab one. Windows Texture Viewer - http://developer.nvidia.com/object/windows_texture_viewer.html - is good for the purpose, and free. Using the Toolset, open up texturepack.erf in (Dragon Age directory)/core/packages/textures/high/, and scroll down to the texture you need (in this case, it's pm_arm_hvyc_0t.dds, signifying male, armour, heavy, type c, tint map). Right-click and open resource. At this point, you may want to hide the alpha channel in WTV, or all you're going to see is a pink square.


What you're seeing is the armour texture, divided into three channels; red, blue, and green. As you may have guessed, each of the channels corresponds to the equivalent coloured area on the tint map. So, if you do this:


All of the green areas on the tint map (the chainmail and the belts) will become red on the model when you apply the tint. A little tip: the Diffuse colour changes the base colour, and the Specular colour changes the reflection colour. Change colours as you please. Once you're happy, give your texture a name (I'd suggest sticking to the naming convention of the game, so something like arm_xyz, it'll add the T3 itself) save the matproj, and right click on Root - Post Selection to Local.

Now, the next bit is a bit more complicated. In the item settings, you may notice an option called Tint Override.


What we're going to do now is tell the game that our new tint is one of these overrides. This comes with the added bonus that the armour can be set as any material and still have the custom colour. You'll need a spreadsheet program, so if you don't have MS Office, go pick up OpenOffice (if you don't have it already, naturally). Done? Right. Navigate to (Dragon Age directory)/tools/Source/2DA, and copy Tints.xls to your documents area, or wherever. Open up the copy, and choose the tint_override sheet. Add your new tint in at the next available blank line (put whatever you want as the label, something like "My Custom Tint 1" or something that makes it obvious what it is, and the file name in the tintfile box, which, in the case of our example, would be t3_arm_xyz. Star out the last column like the other tints). Save the worksheet and close it. Now, you're going to need to export that to the 2DA format. There's a handy tutorial over at the DA Builder wiki - http://social.bioware.com/wiki/datoolset/index.php/2DA - which looks a bit scary at first, but is nothing to be worried about. If you don't know how to create a batch file, all you do is create a new text document, and change the extension from .txt to .bat. Once you've exported, chuck the tint_override.gda file into the game's override folder, as described in the 2da tutorial. Now, close the toolset and open it again. Check out your piece of armour, and check the tint overrides. Lo and behold, your new tint is there. Apply that sucker and admire your handiwork.


Save, check in, and export the armour. If you've got gloves and boots (and you should have, we're going for a matching set here), check them out and apply the tint too. You can even apply it to weapons and shields if you want. Once everything is checked out and exported, load up your game and take a look at your shiny new equipment (if you've set up your loading script, or already have the equipment. If not, check the custom item tutorial, it'll tell you what you need to know).


Alastair wearing the new armour.