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Returns ID for the given 2DA table and row index.

int GetM2DARowIdFromRowIndex(
int n2DA,
int nRowIndex,
string s2DA = ""
The 2DA to access
Index in the 2DA for which we want to know the ID
(optional) if n2da is -1 and this is a valid resource, it will retrieve the 2da based on the name instead of the index. Note that this should be avoided when possible.

The ID for the row specified by the parameters.




Returns the value of the ID column for the given 2DA table and row index.


// The crafting recipes M2DA contains 78 rows with ID from 0 to 91. There are gaps in the sequence
// and we cannot predict where they appear. Looping over every row to find out would be inefficient, 
// however we can use the GetM2DARows function to tell us how many actual rows there are and then
// use GetM2DARowIdFromRowIndex to convert the row number into the entry's ID number.
object CreateRandomCraftedItemOnObject(object oTarget)
    // get the total number of rows in the crafting recipes M2DA (this works across all fragments)
    int nRows = GetM2DARows(TABLE_CRAFTING_RECIPES);
    // the Random function gives a number between 0 and nRows - 1 however as the first row is
    // invalid and the last row is a lyrium potion we actually want a number between 1 adn nRows
    int nRandomRow = Random(nRows) + 1;
    // in order to use GetM2DAResource we need the entry's ID number
    int nId = GetM2DARowIdFromRowIndex(TABLE_CRAFTING_RECIPES, nRandomRow); 
    // read the crafted item's resource from the ItemCreated colum using entry's ID number
    resource rItem = GetM2DAResource(TABLE_CRAFTING_RECIPES, "ItemCreated", nId);
    // create the crafted item on the target object
    return CreateItemOnObject(rItem, oTarget);