Itemproperty keyword

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The itemproperty type represents a dynamic property which can be added to or removed from an item.


There is no literal for an itemproperty.


There is no explicit or implicit conversion to or from an itemproperty.


The following functions allow an itemproperty to exist outside of the scope of the current script by storing it on an object, effect or event:

The following functions allow an itemproperty which exists outside of the scope of the current script to be used in the current script by retrieving it from an object, effect or event:


Item properties are added to an item using AddItemProperty and removed using RemoveItemProperty. An array of the item properties on an item can be retrieved using GetItemProperties.


void main()
    // uninitialised
    itemproperty ipDefault;
    // initialised using a function
    itemproperty ipExample = GetLocalItemProperty(OBJECT_SELF, "example");    

See Also

Itemproperty functions