String ID

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For consistency and ease of localization, Dragon Age makes extensive use of a table of string constants called a talk table. Each string constant in the talk table has an associated integer string ID.

Many of the tools in the toolset make automatic usage of the talk table. For example, the lines of dialogue in conversations or the descriptions of items are automatically converted into talk table strings and stored there. In scripting, however, you will often come upon situations where string IDs need to be explicitly referenced, and you may need to add strings to the talk table manually. The string editor is the tool used for this purpose.

You may also use string literals in scripting if you aren't concerned with localization to different languages.

When loading a builder to builder package, you will have the option of keeping the string ID numbers of the loaded resources the same or of assigning new string ID numbers to them. The toolset's behavior when handling of this option is currently being changed to deal with problems that have been caused by conflicts between imported and existing string IDs, but for now the safest approach is to generate new string IDs.