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TNT files are the definition files for the Material Tint System. They contain the colour information that is applied to the diffuse map and specular highlights of a given model, as denoted by the associated tint map. They are GFF V4.0 files.

File Structure

A TNT file has 10 fields, as follows:

Field Definition
TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_R Colour overlain on diffuse map area defined by tint map's red channel
TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_G Colour overlain on diffuse map area defined by tint map's green channel
TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_B Colour overlain on diffuse map area defined by tint map's blue channel
TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_R Specular colour for diffuse map area defined by tint map's red channel
TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_G Specular colour for diffuse map area defined by tint map's green channel
TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_B Specular colour for diffuse map area defined by tint map's blue channel
TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_A Colour overlain on diffuse map area defined by tint map's alpha channel
TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_A Specular colour for diffuse map area defined by tint map's alpha channel
TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_OPACITY Opacity of tints overlain on diffuse map
TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_OPACITY Opacity of tints applied to specular highlights

Data Values

The value for each field is entered as a Vector4 (V4) array. The range of possible values and their significance varies depending on the particular field.

TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE and TINT_MASK_SPECULAR values are colour information. The first 3 numbers in the array are RGB values. Rather than the usual 0-255 value used for 24-bit RGB, the V4 RGB is on a scale of 0 to 1 (i.e. a percentage). So, for instance, a V4 RGB value of 1,1,1 is the same as the 24-bit RGB 255,255,255 (white). The 4th number in a V4 array is presumably an alpha value and appears to be unused and always be set to 1.

As well as defining the colour itself, the intensity of the colour is also included in these arrays. This is done by multiplying each of the RGB values by the intensity, which is on a scale of 0.1 to 10. The default intensity is 1, in which case the field value is just the RGB value by itself. For example, the Red channel specular V4 is 3.06,3.78,5.22,1. This is actually a colour of 0.59,0.72,1,1 at intensity 5.22. In general, only specular colours have an intensity above or below 1. Diffuse intensity is invariably left at 1.

TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_A and TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_A values are in the same format as the RGB diffuse and specular V4 and the same comments apply. They are separated in the file layout because the alpha layer of tint masks is generally unused by most models. The alpha channel appears to be reserved specifically for skin tints, so only tints for models that have exposed skin use these fields. When unused the value is set to 1,1,1,1.

TINT_MASK_DIFFUSE_OPACITY and TINT_MASK_SPECULAR_OPACITY set the opacity of the tints. The array specifies an opacity for each channel of the tint map, in the format R,G,B,A. Values range from 0 to 2, with 0 being 100% transparent. When not in use, the alpha channel of the tint map is disabled by setting it to zero (e.g. 1,1,1,0).