Using DLC areas in your mods tutorial

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This guide will show you how to use areas from the dlc's and use them in the toolset for your mods. Author: RandyG Email Me

Things needed

  1. Dragon age origins game.
  2. Dragon age origins Toolset.
  3. Dragon age origins dlc's Keep and or shale's dlc

Dlc Areas

  1. close out of your toolset
  2. open up C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns
  3. from here open either dao_prc_cp_2(keep) or dao_prc_nrx_1(shale area) I belive thats the only 2 that have areas right now.
  4. Once in one of the 2 folders goto core -> env
  5. Copy everything in env to C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\packages\core\env
  6. Open the toolset
  7. now when your selecting the area layout the areas from the dlc's will be listed such as gwb110d/shl100d

You can now made mods from the areas in the dlcs.