APR 2da

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The APR_ 2da defines the different appearances available for the Player, non-player characters and creatures.

The 2da is defined as an m2da in the M2DA_base 2da and has an ID of 2. It can be extended by m2da fragments which have names starting with APR_. It can be referenced in scripting using the TABLE_APPEARANCE constant defined in 2da_constants_h.

There is a known issue with this 2da which limits the maximum ID to 65535.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
LABEL string the name of the appearance type, as seen in the Toolset when selecting appearance type for a creature.
MODELTYPE string Sets whether the model is set up to allow interchangeable parts for customization. There are four types of model:
  • S - Simple: The model has only one mesh.
  • W - Welded, Baked: The model has its own weapon and cannot equip new ones.
  • H - Welded, Head: The model's head is a separate mesh that can be swapped with other meshes.
  • P - Parts: The model is fully customizable that accepts parts such as gloves, boots, and armor. The player races have examples of this kind of model.
MODELRACE string Appears to match the first letter of the model name:
  • E - Elf
  • D - Dwarf
  • H - Human
  • K - Child
  • N - (certain) NPC
  • C - Creatures
MODELNAME string The name of the model file used for this appearance. (See: Model File Naming Convention)
PlayHumanoidAnimations bool
MODELGENDEROVERRIDE bool Gender is important for loading the models associated with an appearance type. Gender will be used as the second letter in the resource. For example: HM_ARM_HVYa corresponds to the armor for a human male. CN_BDY_HLKa is the body for a neutral hurlock. Gender usually comes from the designer Toolset. But in some cases only one gender is supported from a model perspective. The letter in this column will be used in those cases to override designer data when loading models (note that this is only used for loading models everywhere else the selection in the designer Toolset applies). Valid values are M, F, or N. If you don't want to override the gender (allowing it to be defined in the Toolset) use "****".
MaxScaleLevel int
AvoidAOEChance int Percentage chance to exit AOE per round.
RULESRACE int A default rules race for each appearance.
  • 0 for no synchronized combat
  • 1 for synchronized combat
AI_ARMOR_TYPE int Used by the AI to figure out how tough a creature is.
CRUST_EFFECT int - defines a visual effect to apply to the creature as a "crust".
MODELTREE string The main blend tree name. The blend tree name correspond to the value of Tree Name field of the blend tree nodes properties. The blend tree soruce files can be downloaded from the Single player and core resource source files project and opened into Toolset for a better understanding.
COMBATMODELTREE string The blend tree name used for the animations of the action in combat. This blend tree, groups animations to use when creature perform attacks, avoid attacks, take damage etc.
MOVEMENTTREE string The blend tree name used for creature movement
COMBATMOIVETREE string The blend tree name used for the animations of the movements in combat. This blend tree, groups animations to use when during combat, creature perform base movements such as walk/run forward, walk/run back, strafe etc.
BlendTrees comment
BLOODCOLR string Color of blood:
  • R - Red
ANIM_WALKSPEED float Walking speed of the source animation
ANIM_RUNSPEED float Running speed of the source animation
ANIM_CBTSPEED float Combat movement speed of the source animation
GAME_WALKSPEED float Desired in-game walking speed of the creature
GAME_RUNSPEED float Desired in-game running speed of the creature
GAME_CBTSTRFSPEED float In-game speed for combat walking/strafing
GAME_CBTSPEED float Deired in-game combat movement speed of the creature
AnimationSpeeds comment
HEIGHT float
HEIGHT_F float Height for females. Used to position the camera in conversations.
MODELSCALEX float Scaling Factor for Animations (i.e. shorter steps for short legs)
MODELSCALEY float Scaling Factor for Animations (seems to be a key to allow many animations used cross creature)
MODELSCALEZ float Scaling Factor for Animations
ModelSizes comment
TerrainFollowPitch float Max angle in degrees for pitch adjustment in slopes
TerrainFollowRoll float Max angle in degrees for roll adjustment in slopes
TerrainFollowData comment
HEAD_WORKSHEET int number of the 2DA where the selectable heads for this appearance are listed (you can find the number in the M2DA_base file, with the core worksheets organized in the Heads.xls file.)
HAIR_WORKSHEET int number of the 2DA where are listed the selectable hair styles for this appearance
EYES_WORKSHEET int number of the 2DA where are listed the selectable eyes types for this appearance
BEARD_WORKSHEET int number of the 2DA where are listed the selectable beard styles for this appearance
Parts comment
disabled_armor_sounds bool
disabled_weapon_sounds bool
default_SOUND_set string
SOUND_Footstep_type string column name in sound_movement_footstep
SOUND_unarmed int material, when creature has no weapon equipped, like: bare hands, claws
SOUND_default_armor int
SOUND_monster_size string used for body-falls. Values can be "small", "medium", "huge", or "unknown".
Sound_X comment
HasTurnAttacks bool 1 is true. Appearance can execute left and right attacks that reorient it 90 degrees.
ValidDeathBlows int
  • -1 - Unknown
  • 0x0 - standard humanoid
  • 0x1 - beast or large creatures
  • 0x2 - large creature positional
CREATURE_TYPE int Bitfield, with each bit in the integer enabling a deathblow type (max 32).
  • 0x1 - unused
  • 0x2 - standard humanoid
  • 0x4 - decapitate (only if neck node present)
  • 0x8 - creature deathblow
CREATURE_GROUP int associates appearances with creature treasure groups in TS_Group.xls.
  • -ve - No Treasure
  • 0 - Generic Treasure Group
  • +ve - Specific Treasure Group
OneShotKills int If set, creature scales to 1 HP only.
CanDoDeathblows int
DefaultEffectFlags int
  • 1 - Disable Movement
  • 2 - Disable Turning
  • 4 - Disable combat
  • 8 - Disable talents
  • 16 - Disable spells
  • 32 - Disable skills
  • 64 - Disable items
  • 128 - Disable input
MeleeRingUpdateAlways bool Force the melee ring to run updates all the time even while the creature is not being attacked. Useful for creatures that can't move or large creatures that have directional abilities.
MeleeRingDisabledStart float The start angle at which the melee ring will be considered disabled
MeleeRingDisabledEnd float The end angle at which the melee ring will be considered disabled
MeleeRingOffset float Offset the main melee ring forward or backwards according to the creature orientation. Value is in meteres. Positive offsets move the ring forward. Range allowed: -0.5 to 0.5 meters
MeleeRingsData comment
bHasAppearAnim int
  • 0 - Creature has no default appear animation
  • 1 - Creature does have a default appear animation
bHasDisappearAnim int
  • 0 - Creature has no default disappear animation
  • 1 - Creature does have a default disappear animation
AppearVFX int
AppearDisappear comment
bCanBleed int determines whether a creature has a blood effect when hit.
BloodPool int The size of the blood pool that forms under the creature's body when it's killed.
  • 0 - none
  • 1 - small
  • 2 - medium
  • 3 - large
DefaultWeapon resource
DefaultArmor resource
CorpseModel string A dead creature decays into this model after some time. Note that model "plc_bagcoin03_0" will disappear completely after the user loots its content. So, spells that normally require dead bodies (e.g. to get life or mana) will not work then. For this reason, this model should be used with care. See Bodybag.
DecayBehaviour int
  • 0 - Decay completely
  • 1 - Don't decay, but remove physics (i.e. won't block movement any more)
  • 2 - Don't decay and don't remove physics either
AttackFL float Attack angle front left - large creature only
AttackFLWidth float Width of attack cone
AttackFLRing int Melee ring ID (for very large creatures)
AttackFR float
AttackFRWidth float
AttackFRRing int Melee ring ID (for very large creatures)
AttackBR float
AttackBRWidth float
AttackBRRing int Melee ring ID (for very large creatures)
AttackBL float
AttackBLWidth float
AttackBLRing int Melee ring ID (for very large creatures)
AttackReach float Reach of the attacks
LargeCreature comment
CodexPlot string Which codex plot contains a page giving information about this creature.
CodexFlag int Which flag within the given codex plot to set when the first creature of this type is killed by the player.
AprRulesFlags int

0x1 - Count as construct (for damage)

bDisableGore int Disables all gore updates on the creature via sys_gore_h
BumpLevel int Creatures with higher value bump creatures with lower values. The Player's BumpLevel is 100.
AppearanceRestrictionGroup int A bit flag indicating which appearance groups this creature belongs to. Abilities can set a condition to restrict use of an ability to a specific appearance group. Only creatures that sport appearances that belong to this group will be allowed to use those abilities.
AppearanceRating float
GroupType int

Taken Creature variation IDS

0 to 89 - Base game

10000 - Skeleton, in DLC

10100 Shale DLC

10200 - Other DLC

20000 to 20205 - Awakening DLC

43000 to 43002 - Witch Hunt DLC

50000 to 50004 - Golems DLC