BITM base.xls

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Item topics

Defines base items, such as "Weapon - Longsword", used in the item editor.

Several worksheets in this Excel file are not actual 2DAs, they are present only for informational purposes.

A note when editing:

  • SourceData - This is the worksheet where the information for the 2da should be edited.
  • BITM_base - This worksheet is a mirror of the data from SourceData (but only the columns that the game cares about)

BITM_base worksheet

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string
NameStrRef int [Undocumented]
DescStrRef int [Undocumented]
InvSlotWidth int [Undocumented]
InvSlotHeight int [Undocumented]
EquippableSlots int A bitfield indicating which slots the item can be equipped into. See the _EquipSlots worksheet for an explanation of these values.
WearR int Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where right hand weapons are worn on the body.
WearL int Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where left hand weapons are worn on the body.
WieldR int Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where wielded right hand weapons are attached in combat.
WieldL int Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where wielded left hand weapons are attached in combat.
Heraldry bool Whether or not items using this base type can have heraldry applied
WeaponOffset float [Undocumented]
CanRotateIcon bool [Undocumented]
TargetType int [Undocumented]
Variation_WorkSheet int Items with Variants refer to M2DA_base.GDA by its ID
DefaultMaterial int [Undocumented]
DefaultModel string [Undocumented]
DefaultIcon string [Undocumented]
DefaultResource string [Undocumented]
WeaponWield int [Undocumented]
WieldModel string [Undocumented]
WieldModelOverlay string [Undocumented]
CombatRating float [Undocumented]
StrengthModifier float [Undocumented]
BaseDamage int [Undocumented]
StackSize int [Undocumented]
Type int The meanings of these values can be found in the ItemTypes worksheet in this document.
Speed int
Range float Distance is in meters.
Projectile int If the item can be fired as a projectile (e.g. arrows), this field should relate to a projectile in PRJ 2da.
ProjectileOffset float Height distance to move a projectile launch position relative to the hand of the user.
Ammo int Which base item type serves as ammo for this item
StorePanel int [Undocumented]
ModalAbilityBlendTree int Specifies if the item is able to work with modal ability blend trees. This is currently only relevant for MAIN and OFFHAND slot items.
InvSoundType int ID sound materials defined in "Sound_Item_Materials.xls"
ArmorType int 2 - medium, 3 - heavy, 4 - massive, 5 - cloth
DoNotDrop int if true, the treasure system will never drop this item.
ReqProp1 int ID of the first property requirement for the item from properties.xls
ReqProp1Val float minimum property value to allow item to be equipped
ReqProp2 int ID of the second property requirement for the item from properties.xls
ReqProp2Val float minimum property value to allow item to be equipped
piercingtype int 1 bladed, 2 blunt, 3 ranged
RuneSlots int Mask for the rune slot (same as equipment slots)
RuneCount int Base number of runes. Note that 0 and even negative numbers can be increased into positive by the material types, so we use a rather large negative number to prevent runes on most items.
SoundVariation int Specifies the sound variation for each object type. Note that 0 means the default sound is used: cloth for armor, sharp weapon for weapons and generic for everything else.
IsHeavy int Considered to be heavy for dual wielding purposes. Requires dual wielding mastery to equip in the offhand.
ShowMaterial int If an item of this base type should show its material type in the inventory UI.
SuppressPropertyVFX bool Avoid displaying a VFX that would be added through item properties

ItemStats worksheet

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string
Attack float
Damage float
DamageRange float
Armor float
ArmorPenetration float
Defense float
BaseAimDelay float
Dspeed float Speed change within style from default anim speed.
CritChanceModifier float
AbilityCostModifier float
MissileDeflection float
OptimumRange float
SpellPower float
RngdPenalty float
AttributeMod float
Attribute0 int
Attribute1 int

itemstatdefines worksheet

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string This label must match the name of the column where this stat is found in the BITM_base 2da.
NameStrRef int
CreatureProp int This number is the ID of the creature property that this item stat affects. When the item is equipped, the creature property will automatically be modified by the value found for this stat in the BITM_base.
bShowInUI int
Precision int Number of decimal places to show in the UI

ArmorData worksheet

Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string
Chest float
Boots float
Gloves float
Helmet float
Total comment

_SourceData worksheet

This worksheet is not exported directly as a 2DA file.

  • Name - If the rows or columns change, macros need updating
  • (no label) - an ID column
  • Label
  • NameStrRef - A string ID that leads to a string with the name of this kind of item. For example, boots have an English string that reads "Boot".
  • DescStrRef
  • InvSlotWidth
  • InvSlotHeight
  • InvSoundType
  • EquippableSlots - a bitfield indicating which inventory slots the item can be equipped in.
  • WearR - Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where right hand weapons are worn on the body.
  • WearL - Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where left hand weapons are worn on the body.
  • WieldR - Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where wielded right hand weapons are attached in combat.
  • WieldL - Index into the parts.xls file. Indicates where wielded left hand weapons are attached in combat.
  • CanRotateIcon
  • TargetType
  • Variation_WorkSheet
  • DefaultModel
  • DefaultIcon
  • WeaponWield
  • WieldModel
  • CombatRating
  • StrengthModifier - How strength damage is scaled when using this weapon.
  • BaseDamage
  • ArmourPenetration - Rules. Design-Materials. Armor penetrating capability of this weapon. Serves dual purpose. Also the field for the ARMOR value of Armor. This is also used for the shield base modifier
  • ArmourValue
  • Attribute - This is an index into the attribute.xls. It iis used by rules to determine the required attribute score.
  • AttributeValue
  • StackSize
  • MinItemProps
  • MaxItemProps
  • PropColumn - This column references ItemProperties.xls (the ItemPropDef page). It assigns each item into a category. Tools then uses this to figure out which properties are allowed for each item type.
  • StartingCharges
  • QBBehaviour
  • StorePanel
  • StorePanelSort
  • Type
  • Speed
  • BaseDamageReduction
  • AttackExtra
  • BaseDefenseBonus
  • Type
  • BaseArmorPenetration
  • LightArmor
  • AbilityScoreRequired
  • BasePreReqAbility
  • StaminaUpkeep
  • BaseDamage
  • StrengthModifierMultiplier
  • AbilityScoreRequired2
  • BasePreReqAbility2

_EquipSlots worksheet

This worksheet is not exported directly as a 2DA file.

  • MASK
  • SET1
  • SET2