Effect immunities 2da

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The effect_immunities 2da lists which creature appearances are immune to specific effects.

The 2da is defined as an m2da in the M2DA_base 2da and has an ID of 165. It can be extended by m2da fragments which have names starting with effect_immunities. It can be referenced in scripting using the TABLE_EFFECT_IMMUNITIES constant defined in 2da_constants_h.


Column Type Description
ID int A number that uniquely identifies the entry (unless creating an M2DA override). ID numbers are listed from smallest to highest within a given file but do not need to be consecutive.
Label string Human readable representation of the ID
e1014 int Immunity to Knockback:
  • 1 - An "immune" message is displayed
  • 2 - No message is displayed
  • 3 - A "resisted" message is displayed
e1027 int Immunity to Stun
e1011 int Immunity to Disease
e1020 int Immunity to Daze
e1033 int Immunity to Sleep
e1034 int Immunity to Charm
e1035 int Immunity to Confusion
e1036 int Immunity to Fear
e1003 int Immunity to Root
e1051 int Immunity to Slip


The values in the ID column correspond to the ID of the appearances in the APR_ m2da.

The number value in each of the the e#### column names is an ID of an effect in the effects 2da. The "e" prefix is required because the 2da specification does not allow purely numeric column names. If the actual value in the column is greater than 0 then a creature with that appearance type is immune to that effect.

Appearances which are immune to a specific effect do not have animations for these effects, so just removing immunity will not necessarily make effects work on that appearance.

See also